Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm Still Here!

Sorry for being AWOL for a couple days.  I needed some time to decompress a bit.  When things become difficult in dealing with the Ex, the stress can get to me a bit, and while writing this blog is somewhat therapeutic for me, it can be hard to find the right words to express the good times that were had in the past.  So now, after some much-needed downtime, I am back, and as promised, I am going to tell you about some of the good times we had.

I think we left off with us moving from Mass to NC.  When we first moved, we lived in a basement apartment at her uncle's house.  Sounds glamorous, right?  Well, it was what it was and we made the best of it.  After all, we were still getting our feet under us as a married couple, so you do the best you can. 

We lived there for about 6 months or so.  I was working at a motorcycle shop selling parts and taking care of customers.  She was working at a daycare.  We were getting along great most of the time and were trying to make our way in the world.

While we were living there, the Ex's parents put a down-payment on a house.  We were so thankful and excited to be getting our first, actual house, and felt very blessed that we had been given such a gift.

Once we moved into our house, I started working at a home improvement store, and later would get a job working at a mobile home plant building cabinets.  I was really glad to start woodworking.

One day, while at work at the mobile home plant, I was called up to the office because I had a phone call.  It was my Ex, who informed me that she was pregnant!  She was very thrilled because we had been trying to have a baby for a while, but it just wasn't working.  I even went to the doctor to get "checked out" to make sure it wasn't due to a medical problem I was having (I was fine!).  I was happy about the pregnancy....and nervous!  Oh man, a baby!  Life was never going to be the same again, and I guess I knew that, but when you are a first-time parent, you really don't grasp that concept until D-day actually arrives.

She experienced some morning sickness, but other than that, things went relatively easy.  We busied ourselves with work and with preparing for our new arrival, anxious to meet our gift from God, and after 9 months, Child #1, a boy, came into this world.

Boy, oh boy, could he cry!!  He would cry and cry and cry all night long unless someone was holding him.  So, one night, I had had enough and said "just leave him".  It really was nonstop crying.  Peel the paint off the wall, ear piercing screaming  I mean, I know babies cry (I have 5 kids, remember) but this was out of control!

So we left him, and after about 2 hours of screaming his little head off, he stopped.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhh....peace at last!

And he never cried at night again.

BTW, no one ever told me about projectile diarrhea.  I think this is something that every new dad should be told about.  Maybe a handbook or something.  I was changing his diaper once and had him on the changing table, and BOOM!  I swear to you that his hind end was at least 3 feet from the wall, and if he was aiming for it, he hit it dead on.  I didn't know something so disgusting could come out of something so small with such force!!  I had to call for reinforcement because, wow, I just couldn't handle that one on my own.

Times were good and life moved on.  We were settling nicely into our new roles as parents and just enjoying the many blessings we had come to receive in our lives.  We were happy.

Over time, we would end up selling that house and moving on from that place, and more babies would come (relatively every 2 years).  Looking back on it, it was a good time in our lives.  It would be awhile before the real trouble started to set in, but looking back on it now, I'm thankful for that time in my life.  It helped to shape me into the person I am today and gave me 5 of the most amazing children in the world.

Knowing now what I didn't know then, there may be things I would do differently, but I can't say I wouldn't have married her.  I mean, I love my kids too much to wish they had never come along, and I am still fighting tooth and nail to protect them and keep them close to me.  I lost them for over a month once when the Ex kidnapped them to Colorado, and I will do everything in my power to make sure that never happens again....But that is another story in this crazy ride I've been on.  You're going to have to hang on tight!

Next time, I will talk more about our next home and the next babies to come along.  I will also give you any updates that I may have about the current school situation and give you another snippet of the trouble to come.  I promise you, it is going to boggle your mind!

Thanks for following!  Until next time, my friends.

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