Thursday, August 25, 2011

And the day has arrived

Today was the day. The day my kids would either be dropped off for my visitation or not after their first day of school. Well, guess what...nobody showed up off the school bus. As things stand right now, I have no idea when I'll see my kids again. Tomorrow I will be going to my lawyer's office to see what's next. My Ex is in willful contempt of a court order. She is doing this on purpose, and I know from personal experience that that doesn't tend to sit well with judges...but there will be more on that later.

As you will see, the longer I post and the deeper I delve into what brought me to this place, there will be a steady pattern of my Ex turning my kids' lives upside down over and over again. I'm telling you that it will most certainly blow your mind. You'll be reading information that is very difficult to believe. You will wonder how a mother of five kids can, or even would, put them through such turmoil.

It's all about the kids for sure, but I have some horrific things that have happened to me along the way. I look at life in such a different light now. I have learned so much during this process that seems will never end. I never knew I would know so much about the court system in this country. I'm going to be giving advice along the way to those of you going through divorce and custody battles.

My first piece of advice is the most important of all: Don't ever give up. NEVER!! It may seem that every door is closing in your face until there are no more doors left to muscle open. It might seem that there is no hope at all in what you're fighting for. I have seen my life at the lowest possible point, and I'm here to say that I feel stronger now than ever.

God puts things in our life for a reason. You have probably asked yourself how God can put us through such tragedy. Isn't he supposed to be protecting us from harm? Well, let me tell you, I never thought I would have gone through what I have, but I feel stronger and more knowledgeable and more connected to God than ever. I am really trusting in our God to provide me with making the right decisions and giving me the strength to fight for my kids.

Please be in prayer for my children. I'm sure they are wondering right now why they aren't with me tonight. That breaks my heart!

God, please look after them and keep them safe during this time. Let Your will be done.

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