Friday, August 26, 2011

The calm before the storm.... kinda sorta but not.

Before I get into the deep court stuff, I have to update you on the time in my life that I was really involved in the church. This is something that most people don't know about me.

Soon after getting married, my Ex and I began going to a southern baptist church. This church was breaking away from the traditional baptist church and had a congregation of about 500.

In going to the contemporary service, I got to know most of the congregation very well, and I was considered "young and hip".

Before I knew it, I was voted by the congregation to be a Deacon, and I was ordained (which pretty much means sanctioned by God) to take care of a lot of families and help the pastor in his work. I was responsible for serving these families in every aspect of their lives. That in itself was a part-time job, but I sincerely enjoyed taking care of families that needed help. It made me feel awesome! It is truly a great feeling.

Soon after being ordained as a Deacon, I was asked to be the children's director in the church. That meant I was taking care of the first through sixth graders. I had to secure Sunday school teachers for all those grades, schedule children's trips to various activities, get the proper curriculum to each grade, and oversee what was being taught to the children. At that time, as you can imagine, I had a ton of stuff on my plate.

On top of that, I was then asked to be on the personnel committee and the security committee. The personnel committee was responsible for hiring pastors, associate pastors, youth pastors, and secretaries. We also approved how much they made and what their "package" consisted of.

On top of all that, I had my own business building furniture exclusively for a company in NC, and I was also doing more production work for various companies. At one time I had 9 employees.

I had my hands full, and this took a lot of time away from my family, who incidentally, I was doing all this to support. I felt it was God's will for me to be doing what I was doing.

My Ex and I had a few really close friends that we spent a lot of time with. I was working hard at everything, my Ex was staying home with the kids, and life was great.

Or, at least I thought it was...but just when I thought things were going so great for us, things really started to take a turn for the worse.

Tune in tomorrow for the beginning of hell.

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