Hello everyone!
I know that all of you have probably been thinking that I fell off the face of the earth or something because I haven't published anything in such a long time.
This July marked the 4-year anniversary since my Ex walked out on me and left our home and our children for another man. Four years. I'm deeply saddened and completely shocked that in all that time, nothing has really changed.
The lies continue, the deception continues. I am still struggling to see my children when I am supposed to be able to see them. Everything is a struggle when dealing with my Ex. Simple things...small things that should be easy are made incredibly difficult.
I continue to wonder why?
Anyhow, I had to take some time off from publishing this blog because of life. I can't really state it any other way than that. Between working and the day-to-day struggle of even getting to speak to my kids, I have not had the downtime needed to do much else. However, I have committed myself to posting at least one blog a week, hopefully on Tuesday or Wednesday. In the past I tried to do several per week and it was too much. When you have to go back and relive everything on a daily basis, it becomes overwhelming.
The ultimate goal of this blog, as I have stated before, is to tell my story. I support the statements that I write with actual court documents, redacted for the privacy of all parties. Therefore, it is very difficult for anyone to say they don't believe what is being said when the absolute truth is there, right in front of your face. I will sometimes state my personal feelings during certain events, but hey, this is my blog after all, and my personal feelings and thoughts are just as important as the black-and-white proof showing that these things actually happened.
My intent has never been to bash or belittle anyone else with the words that I write. In fact, I really have been kind in my writing as I know that in the future my children could read this blog. I want to make it very clear (as I have before) that I am not "out to get" anyone by writing this. I am simply telling my story. If you don't like what I have to say, don't read it. Period. If you do read it and it touches a nerve, then it either directly applies to you...or you find some similarity in your own situation that makes what I say rub you the wrong way. I can't help you with that. Those are your issues to deal with. This is MY story. Everyone has one. I just happen to have all the documents to back up what I say. Please keep your comments coming, whether good or bad. If you agree, great! If you don't that's fine as well. Give me your thoughts!
Having said all that, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to all of the supporters from around the globe that I have. I have readers from Germany, Australia, Canada, the UK, the Czech Republic, and almost every state across the United States of America. There are also other countries reading! I am honored and humbled to have received so much support and so many messages from people wondering if I'm OK, how my children are doing, and when I will write next.
And finally, to my friends and family, thank you for your never-ending support. I would not have made it this far if it weren't for you.
My new plan for this blog, as I stated before, is to publish at least once a week. I am also going to go back to a more linear format, meaning I will publish the events as they happened. I will no longer put in current events unless I feel it absolutely necessary. Sorry! You'll just have to wait to get to it! I think that sticking to a more linear format will be less confusing to all of you reading in that I won't be jumping around from past to present and back to past again. I hope that you all agree that this is the best way to go.
I want to say again that I welcome each and every comment from every single person reading, whether you agree with what I say or not. So please, keep the comments coming!
Next week, I will continue this blog from where the last court documents left off. That will be after my contempt hearing in March 2009 and after my Ex came to my house to take "her" belongings that she was awarded in interim distribution. This week I felt it very necessary to reintroduce myself as well as the purpose of my blog.
Keep reading! Much, MUCH more to come!
Be Blessed.
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