I want to take a minute to really state my true reasons for starting this blog.
I was married to my Ex for 14 years and we have 5 children. We had a decent marriage that had it's ups and downs like any other marriage or relationship does. My reason for writing this blog is twofold. First, I want to get my story out there. As you read on, you will read things that you honestly will not be able to believe actually happened. I always tell people it's like a made-for-TV movie. Ya know, one of those you watch but think, "this never happens to real people." Well it happened to me....and still is. That is why I will provide documentation so that you will always know I am being honest (and all of it is public record at the local courthouse). And yes, in case anyone is wondering, I will always protect the privacy of those involved.
The second reason is that I want to do my part to try to help anyone else out there who may be going through what I went through...and am still going through. My lack of knowledge of the justice system coupled with my disbelief of what was happening to me and my children and the lack of good counsel (read: bad lawyer in the beginning) somewhat put me in the position I am in. I want to put all this out there to help anyone else that may face a situation similar to mine.
I know that I am fast-forwarding through our early marriage. I have to. The last 3 years of my life (since we were separated and divorced) would fill countless blog entries. I am trying to get you all to the present as fast as I can, while giving you the information you need to understand the parties involved.
It is not my intention to bash or belittle anyone. I am simply telling my story, from my point of view. I leave my readers to determine their own views on the parties involved.
Now, I know I haven't gone into the birth and growth of my children yet (we will go back to that soon), but something happened last week that I really need to get down. So, for future reference, my children will be called Child #1, Child #2, Child #3, Child #4, and Child #5. Of course, Child #1 is the oldest, with Child #5 being the little one. I may refer to them differently in other entries, but you will always know who I refer to.
Anyhow, since living with their mother, my kids have not stayed in the same school for an entire school year, with the exception of last year. Before school started last year, their mother emailed me and stated that she would like to enroll them at the school(s) that were in my district. That way, the kids could ride the bus to and from my house on my visitation days. To paraphrase her words, "this will be easy for everyone and the kids will benefit." You see, the schools she was talking about were schools my kids had been pulled in and out of (by her) for the past couple years.
The only exception would be Child #1, who was to go to a private Christian school on scholarship.
It worked great! The kids would all ride the bus to my house on Thursday, get picked up on Friday morning by the bus for school, and, if it was my weekend, they would be dropped off by the bus on Friday afternoon. Child #1 would be dropped off by his grandmother (who works at the Christian school) on Thursday, I would take him to school on Friday morning, and he would be dropped back off on Friday afternoon.
I know it sounds complicated, but it really was rather simple, and the kids were thriving and happy.
So, a couple weeks ago, the Ex told me that Child #3 also received a scholarship to said Christian school and asked me if Child #3 could go there this coming year. I agreed, but stated that due to my current transportation situation I would not be able to drive them both to the Christian school and transportation would have to be provided for both Child #1 and Child #3. Much more on this later...just giving you the basics.
Well, instead of agreeing to do this (again, the children's grandmother works at said school and could easily drop them off and pick them up...and it is not out of the way for her to do so) the Ex decides to enroll ALL the kids in the district she lives in....Thus making all of them change schools AGAIN. Brand new schools, brand new people, brand new everything.
I have stopped trying to figure out the motivation behind the things my Ex does. However, I know this decision is not healthy for my kids. They are my TOP concern. Switching schools again, having to make new friends AGAIN....very hard on them. Should I mention that due to the hours my Ex works they would be alone from the time they got off the school bus until approximately 7:30 or 8:00 at night (with the youngest ones alone first)? Who cooks dinner? Who helps with homework? Who bathes them and gets them ready for bed?
The easiest solution, if Grandmother didn't want to bring the two from the Christian school and then pick them up in the morning, would just be to tell Child #3 that he was not going to the Christian school and that everything would stay just the same as it was last year. But then, Child #3 should never have been promised the Christian school without my Ex discussing it with me first.
I will not divulge here what is going on to remedy this situation until it is resolved. However, this is the type of thing that goes on all the time. It's always something...ESPECIALLY when it should be simple. Simple solutions just don't seem to work with the Ex...that is when all seems to be the most difficult.
Oh, the reason Grandmother does most of the transportation? The Ex is not allowed on my property. A judge told her so. See? I have SO much to tell. I haven't even touched the smallest tip of the iceberg yet.
When I update again tomorrow, I will return to the history of our marriage. I promise you all that it was not all bad. We had really great times! I hate that it is how it is now....but you can't go back, you can only move forward.
Until later, my friends.
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